ahammad super diamond Profile

Ahammad super diamond has been launched in the year 2008. I hails from a poor family.my father died at my 5th year during my childood. I was brought up by my paternal aunt.she got studies me upto SSC.I started by carrier as a boy in a cycle and tire shop. later with the aid of state bank of india. addanki in the year 1985.subsequently I started ahannad foundary in addanki and gundlapalli namely asha granite and ahammad exports anf provided employement to the poor people.I am also connected with different social service organization like rotary clube etc.the above said organization namely ahannad super diamond abrasives is the first organization in indai to manufacture granite polishing, fina lux and polishing disks. we are exporting the same to different stated in india

we would like to extend our services to you and provide you with the high quality abrasives from ypur quality products. our factory is furnisshed with modern wquipment and uses the latest techniques in abrasives technology to ensure customer satisfaction .we have many year of experience and we have received many honourable rewards and awards from state and national governmrnt for our excellent products and service